Omer – Tripark 25
Tripark is included in the double stackers” range, even though, in this specific case, it would be correct to say “Multiplier parking stacker”, due to the fact that Tripark is able to park until three vehicles in a spot dedicated to one.
This product is very easy to install and has great versatility as it is capable of easily lifting cars that weigh 2.5 tons on each platform.
Description :
Tripark proves extremely useful when you need to park several cars in extremely limited space.
The unit is quite compact and takes up very little space.
In a very close time
how quickly and effectively up to three cars can be parked in a space that had previously held only one. Moreover, the individual platforms can bear loads of up to 2.500 Kg. and thus can handle any vehicle currently on the market.
Transit sequence
the sequence by which the lower platform picks up the top platform – the so-called package system – highlighting just how compact the product is, even during movement.
In practice, once the underlying vehicles have been removed, to lower the last vehicle to ground level, the first platform is raised until it engages the second, higher one. This is the only way to release the upper platform. This operating sequence has been designed to ensure utmost safety.
The upper platform
is then taken off the upper platform, using the supplied ramp which is one with the upper platform, thus making the operation quite easy.
Tripark’s platforms are completely smooth and hot dip galvanized, for a more comfortable access to the platforms themselves. The rising toecap is manufactured with almond metal sheet, to avoid any kind of slippery situation of the wheels or of the people in case of trampling, getting out from the car.
The supporting structure
is formed in a manner which enables the sliding movement, along the columns, of the system, in a smooth and silent way.
Meanwhile, its robustness guarantee the total security of the vehicle positioned on the platform.

The upper platform is also
equipped with a torsion bar and, consequentially, all locking systems of the same, when the platform reach the predefine level.

Compactness of the platforms
helps rising up the car in a natural manner, making parking move easier on top of them.

of front side of the car comes in a very natural way, due to the fact that platforms are equipped by a final terminal, which works like a stop wheel. Furthermore, the toecap, being slightly bended down towards, it avoids the vehicle itself could run back, in case pull the hand brake could be forgotten.
Tripark’s platforms
are slightly down bended, in the front part of the same, in order to aid and lean car’s wheels onto front stops of the platform and avoid that the vehicle itself could move backwards, stopping any possibility of let it fall out from the platform itself.
Mechanical locking stopper
electrically stimulated, in an open position, allows fluent running of the torsion bar, either up or down.
Mechanical locking stopper, in a close position, guarantees a mechanical lock of the torsion bar every three centimetre (one inch), allowing the hydraulic oil to flow back to the tank, avoiding any unnecessary pressure inside the hydraulic system, giving a longer lifetime of the system itself.
Detail view
of the torsion bar support shows that the position of the pinion vs. the rack can be adjusted by shifting the support.
Electrical microswitch
allows slowdown and stop of the platform at the desired position. The same is completely at sight, in order to make it easier any kind of maintenance and emergency intervention.
Micro-switch, being stimulated by a fixed metallic part, gives the input t the platform to stop.
All microswitches
placed along the column, have the possibility to be adjusted, throughout moving the position along the regulation cursor.
Positioning of the columns
not just in the middle of the platform but, more ahead towards the end of them, also in the upper platform, make much easier to open the door of the vehicle to get in and out of the same.
Same ease to get on or alight from the vehicle, it can be seen also in the lower platform, with an easiest opening of the vehicle door.
The upper platform
is equipped with a transversal security bar, placed underneath the platform itself.
In case of malfunctioning of a micro-switch, rising up the lower platform with a vehicle on top, touching the mentioned bar, it stops mechanically the ascent, avoiding crush the vehicle.
Manufacturer’s website : Omer-Park
Product website : Omer-Park-Tripark
Tripark is included in the double stackers” range, even though, in this specific case, it would be correct to say “Multiplier parking stacker”, due to the fact that Tripark is able to park until three vehicles in a spot dedicated to one.
This product is very easy to install and has great versatility as it is capable of easily lifting cars that weigh 2.5 tons on each platform.
Description :
Tripark proves extremely useful when you need to park several cars in extremely limited space.
The unit is quite compact and takes up very little space.
In a very close time
how quickly and effectively up to three cars can be parked in a space that had previously held only one. Moreover, the individual platforms can bear loads of up to 2.500 Kg. and thus can handle any vehicle currently on the market.
Transit sequence
the sequence by which the lower platform picks up the top platform – the so-called package system – highlighting just how compact the product is, even during movement.
In practice, once the underlying vehicles have been removed, to lower the last vehicle to ground level, the first platform is raised until it engages the second, higher one. This is the only way to release the upper platform. This operating sequence has been designed to ensure utmost safety.
The upper platform
is then taken off the upper platform, using the supplied ramp which is one with the upper platform, thus making the operation quite easy.
Tripark’s platforms are completely smooth and hot dip galvanized, for a more comfortable access to the platforms themselves. The rising toecap is manufactured with almond metal sheet, to avoid any kind of slippery situation of the wheels or of the people in case of trampling, getting out from the car.
The supporting structure
is formed in a manner which enables the sliding movement, along the columns, of the system, in a smooth and silent way.
Meanwhile, its robustness guarantee the total security of the vehicle positioned on the platform.

The upper platform is also
equipped with a torsion bar and, consequentially, all locking systems of the same, when the platform reach the predefine level.

Compactness of the platforms
helps rising up the car in a natural manner, making parking move easier on top of them.

of front side of the car comes in a very natural way, due to the fact that platforms are equipped by a final terminal, which works like a stop wheel. Furthermore, the toecap, being slightly bended down towards, it avoids the vehicle itself could run back, in case pull the hand brake could be forgotten.
Tripark’s platforms
are slightly down bended, in the front part of the same, in order to aid and lean car’s wheels onto front stops of the platform and avoid that the vehicle itself could move backwards, stopping any possibility of let it fall out from the platform itself.
Mechanical locking stopper
electrically stimulated, in an open position, allows fluent running of the torsion bar, either up or down.
Mechanical locking stopper, in a close position, guarantees a mechanical lock of the torsion bar every three centimetre (one inch), allowing the hydraulic oil to flow back to the tank, avoiding any unnecessary pressure inside the hydraulic system, giving a longer lifetime of the system itself.
Detail view
of the torsion bar support shows that the position of the pinion vs. the rack can be adjusted by shifting the support.
Electrical microswitch
allows slowdown and stop of the platform at the desired position. The same is completely at sight, in order to make it easier any kind of maintenance and emergency intervention.
Micro-switch, being stimulated by a fixed metallic part, gives the input t the platform to stop.
All microswitches
placed along the column, have the possibility to be adjusted, throughout moving the position along the regulation cursor.
Positioning of the columns
not just in the middle of the platform but, more ahead towards the end of them, also in the upper platform, make much easier to open the door of the vehicle to get in and out of the same.
Same ease to get on or alight from the vehicle, it can be seen also in the lower platform, with an easiest opening of the vehicle door.
The upper platform
is equipped with a transversal security bar, placed underneath the platform itself.
In case of malfunctioning of a micro-switch, rising up the lower platform with a vehicle on top, touching the mentioned bar, it stops mechanically the ascent, avoiding crush the vehicle.
Manufacturer’s website : Omer-Park
Product website : Omer-Park-Tripark