Maintenance contract

EQUINDUS : Maintenance contract

Maintenance – in safe hands with knowledge

A EQUINDUS maintenance contract is the ideal way to maximise system availability, safety and value retention.

EQUINDUS service technicians inspect and maintain your equipment at regular intervals specific to the particular product.

You are in safe hands with EQUINDUS service technicians.

Consumable parts are changed in accordance with checklists.

Main components and safety-related systems are checked and, if necessary, adjusted, or replaced following consultation with the customer.

The comprehensive service documentation provides further peace of mind – including from a health and safety regulation perspective. This ensures long-term compressed air system reliability and availability of the compressed air station.

The customer can cancel the maintenance agreement at any time.

The maintenance schedules are carried out according to the individual customer’s specific needs.

Repair work, operating materials, consumable and spare parts will be charged separately as required.

Working time, travelling time and accommodation are charged on a flat rate basis. If desired, we can also take care of the environmentally-responsible disposal of consumables and maintenance components.